Past Projects

These are some of the projects that I'm most proud of. I've built them to learn new technologies, or to solve a problem that I've encountered.

  • Shop-shop

    Shop Shop is an e-commerce application that allows users to shop for various items, add these products to the shopping cart, manage the shopping cart by increasing and decreasing quantities, check out their purchases and see their order history.


  • Deep Thoughts

    A social media app where users can create thoughts, add reactions to other users' thoughts, and add other users to their friend list. Users can also view their own profile with their thoughts listed out, or view other users' profiles with all of their thoughts listed.

    Deep Thoughts

  • Pizza Hunt

    Pizza Hunt is a progressive web application where users can post pizza recipes and participate in discussion. Pizzas are added through a form input with topping options to choose from or the option to create your own. If the user loses internet connection and hits submit the input will be cached until internet access is available.

    Pizza Hunt

  • MERN-Book-Search

    This app converts a fully functioning Google Books API search engine built with a RESTful API into a GraphQL API built with Apollo Server. Uses the MERN stack, with a React front end, MongoDB database, and Node.js/Express.js server and API.
